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Fats v/s Carbs: An Intuitive Approach

Fats v/s Carbs: An Intuitive Approach

“You are what you eat”. Often followed promptly by “eat fat and you will become fat”. These are phrases repeated to us by our parents, families, friends and other well-meaning sources of guidance that surround us. People often ask me why I write long posts. Well,...
Vaccines: Fever, Pain & All The Good Stuff

Vaccines: Fever, Pain & All The Good Stuff

So I had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine at 9 am on Thursday. After an uneventful 20 hours, the effects really hit around dawn the following day. What followed was a 15 hours of chills, sweats and extreme body pain, and then poof! Just like that, the symptoms...
Immunity 102: The Snapshots

Immunity 102: The Snapshots

Part 2: The snapshot of immunity So, my last post on the perception around Covid vaccines (and the basics of the immune response) seems to have generated a fair amount of interest, and consequently a number of follow-up queries. The primary topic in the messages that...