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TrueLean Seminars

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Rajiv Srivatsa

Co-Founder, Urban Ladder, Partner in Antler

“I’ve never seen an audience so rapt in attention for a two hour seminar! And it was in a field totally removed from their professional endeavors. Thanks, Ameet!”

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The TrueLean seminar, in a nutshell

A fascinating look ‘under the hood’ of the incredible complex machine that is the human body. Get a new perspective on the science behind fat loss, fitness and overall health. Ultimately, you will walk away with an understanding of how to create routines that are specific and sustainable for you.

Session 1

  • Rebuilding our perspective of the Human Body
  • The Science behind Fat Gain and effortless Fat Loss

Session 2

  • Maximising the body’s fat burning mechanisms
  • Keto and intermittent fasting: a detailed analysis

Session 3

  • Proteins and their role in optimal health
  • Putting it all together (immunity/cholesterol/training)

TrueLean seminar offerings

You can participate in a TrueLean seminar in one of the following ways:

Corporate Seminar

Targeted for the employees/members of a corporation. Kindly request the coordinating team of your company to reach out to TrueLean so we can work on the logistics.

Group Seminar

Targeted towards groups of individuals. This can include you and your circle of friends, your neighborhood community or any community or clubs that you are a part of. TrueLean will organize a seminar exclusively for your group.

Individual Participant

TrueLean periodically conducts online webinars as well as in person seminars. If this interests you, kindly reach out to us, and we will keep you updated on our schedule for webinars or in person sessions in your area.

Walk in with..

An open mind. Let us start afresh, wipe the slate clean of the myths and false notions that we have been fed through the decades about weight loss, nutrition, health and medications. Along the way, we will uncover special fat-burning mechanisms, bust a number of myths, and even challenge things that are considered sacred or ‘sacrosanct’.

Walk out with..

An intuitive understanding of how you can literally ‘program’ your body to the maximise use of fats for energy. Armed with this information and the TrueLean way of thinking, you will be able to sustainably maintain a lean and healthy body, regardless of your work or lifestyle demands.

To experience the TrueLean seminar,
kindly contact us using the form below